Spring Break 2017: Chimei Museum

Hi Friends :)

Friday March 31st, as it was the beginning of the spring break here in Taiwan, I decided to go to a place one of my friend recommended me: CHIMEI MUSEUM & TAINAN METROPOLITAN PARK

I was not disappointed at all!
This place is gorgeous.
The museum is located at the center of the Park .

About the inside of the museum:

It's basically like a history museum (my favorites one) that goes from the beginning of life to now.

On the first floor, you got a 1st part about Natural History and Fossils (from dinosaurs to animals and human now), then a part on the evolution of Arms and Armour and a last part on Sculpture of Antiquity (Greek and Roman).
On the second floor, you have an Fine Art part with painting from different times,a room on the evolution of musical instruments and finally, an Rodin Gallery Exhibition.

Sadly, I couldn't take any pictures inside the museum so all the following ones are from the park.

About the park:

it's a Greek Mythology style park so in it you can find:

 Cherub Fountain

Muse Plaza (with the building of the museum because that's the entrance of it)

Olympus bridge (with the 12 gods of Olympus. With Athena - my favorite one)

Apollo Fountain Plaza

Dionysus Theater

Cupid Bridge
Muse Lake

Here are some extra pictures of that day:

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