2019 Goal Setting! | New Year Resolutions

Hi Friends :)

Welcome back to the blog! 
It is 2019 which officially means that I'm first of all back on blogging but also I graduated my Master degree!! (*and am currently experiencing unemployment...)

I usually don't do New Year's resolutions as I feel like those resolutions are just meant to be broken. 
Seriously, it's like the age-old tale of people making New Year's resolutions every single year and sticking to them maybe the first 2 weeks or so and then slowly but surely falling off the bandwagon and never achieving their goals. 
I mean, we've heard this like a thousand times.

And while I don't think there's anything wrong with setting goals at all as I love setting goals for myself (because it can be very motivational), I think the problem with New Year's resolution is that they're so broad and big. A year is a long time even though in some ways it's a short time.

Which is why I feel is so much more productive to make smaller, more achievable goals in a shorter space of time.

That's what I want this post to be about. 

What I've read and that will hopefully works for me this year is to make monthly goals and making weekly goals off of those monthly goals. Yes, I guess you could call them resolutions but in the end, it helps me reach my ultimate goals so I feel like that is the most productive way to go about setting goals.

So you guys probably don't know but I use a planner, Erin Condren life planner to be exact (2 years in a row).
I use it to plan my days and therefore make my weekly goals fit in my schedule so that I can achieve them and reach my monthly goals.

I'm gonna share some of them with you but not all of them, as some are private and some of them I just like to keep for myself.

I have broken them down into categories so that you can get an idea of how I'm going to achieve them and what I'm going to do to get there.

Health and Wellness

I feel like everyone is going to have this in their category but mine is different in the sense that I am not actually starting anything new.
 I'm really quite proud of what I've achieved in the past 2 years in terms of weight loss and mental health and where I'm at at the moment so I really just want to maintain that.
My #1 health goal is to continue working out 3 to 5 times a week.
 I work out in the morning using Lucy Wyndham-Read Fitness Channel. It really helps me just to set up my day and I love how it makes me feel afterwards. At the beginning and at the end of the month, I usually measure parts of my body following this table to follow my journey. It motivates me when I see the number changing, even by just 1 inch ;)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "weight loss measure"

My #2 goal is to continue drinking 2.5L  of water a day. I know that sounds random but basically I have this 750ml water bottle that I bought in China and I just love it as it helps me to drink more water. By having the time and quantity you should drink on the side of the bottle, it became a "project' for me to drink more. I refill it 3 times a day so that means almost 2.5L per day (without including morning coffee and other drinks). 
I just want to keep doing that because I love how it makes my skin feel and look so that's definitely one of my goal for each day, week and therefore, each month of 2019.

 HYDRATEM8 Hydration Tracker Water Bottle With Motivational Quote (same bottle but in 750ml and in green).


I have a couple of business goals but I'm not gonna share all of them as some are quite specific but the ones that I will share are:

#1 and it might come as a surprise to some (or not, since I'm here), but I want to relaunch the blog.
 I was off during all 2018, which may have just killed the blog. But, I really like sharing stuff with you guys and it is a hobby(as I don't make any money from it) that allows me to express myself, to be free. 
I'm almost scared to say that because that means that I have to do it but I want to post once a week at least for this month so 4 posts. I've done it in the past so it's not something crazy but what prevented me from doing so or posting anything in 2018 is  that I went into my last year of Master (which included a big thesis to write during 9 months - until end of august) and I moved to China for work so obviously I couldn't keep up and had to take a break.  Now it is easier for me to work more on it and hopefully, fingers crossed, I can post regularly again. 

#2 will be to find a job that I like. I know that might sound stupid but I just got my Master degree and now, same as all graduate student, I'm looking for a job. The thing is that I don't want to rush myself into getting a job just because it's conformable or the salary is ok. I want to find a stable job, that pays well but also that I know I won't hate or be bored at for the next at least 5 years. Ideally, it would be a job in a luxury hotel, that allows me to communicate with guests and also but more importantly, that makes me move. I would just hate sitting down behind a desk for 8 hours straight.
To reach it, my weekly goal is to apply to job offers (that meets my criteria - which means a limited amount each week) and to focus on them so that I can get them. So far, I got some interviews and am waiting for answers but I've also turned down some jobs as they didn't meet my expectations (no, it's not being difficult, just realistic about the fact that once you get a job, you might be stuck in it and hating the job you are doing can lead to depression and mental issues).


  As I am now back in France and will be normally staying here from now on (unless I get an expatriate contract), I feel like it is time for me to organise and sort out all my belongings. This means my clothes but also my courses notes (because I kept all of them since high school) and everything that I own in general (books, kitchen tools, home stuff etc...)
So my goal for January is to sort out my belongings basically and for that, I have weekly goals as follow:
week 1: books
week 2 : clothes
week 3 and 4: organise it all (the rest)

These are some of my goals for January and 2019.
I hope that this post helps, I hope that you will maybe reconsider making massive New Year's resolutions and instead try and do this idea of just monthly resolutions because I think that they just work so much better.

Thank you for sticking with me and I hope that you will stay with me and enjoy the content that I've prepared for 2019 :)

I really appreciate each and every one of you and I wish you a year full of greatness.

I will talk to you guys in my next post, next week.

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