Hi Friends :)
Today's post is again gonna be about goal setting.
I know New Year's has obviously come and gone but we're still in January and I wanted to know how you guys are doing with your goal-setting. Whether they're New Year's resolution or monthly goals or just weekly goals, I'm curious to know how you're doing with what you set out to do this year in 2019.
This post is here to motivate you guys in case you are lacking motivation. Maybe you made New Year's resolution but already feel like you failed...
You haven't failed. It's never too late to start or restart. It's never too late to pick yourself back up.
So this are my 5 best tips for "How to get what you want in 2019 and smash those goals".
#1: Write Your Goals Down.
I feel like it's such a no-brainer but it's true. Writing your goals down will help you to visualise them more as you get what's in your head out on paper.
It just clears your head to put your thoughts down on paper and there's something about it that just makes it more of a reality. You can type it down on a word document maybe on your laptop, write it down physically on a piece of paper (you don't have to buy a planner like I do or spend any money, you can just take a random page or a post-it and make it yours).
For example, I have a calendar that I use only for workouts. Every time I do one of my personal coach's workout, I put a cross on that day so I know where I'm at in the month and this helps me so much in my "staying fit goal". Also, I find it really interesting as I keep those calendars, I can go back to them, take a look and see where I started compare to where I am now.
![Résultat de recherche d'images pour "lucysquad calendar"](https://www.lwrfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/cal2.png)
#2: Visualise What You Want.
This sounds so cliché, so simple in a way but it really works.
Here's a really small, stupid example. Back in 2015, and I only know this because I found a piece of paper where I had written down my "aspirations" or like what I wanted in terms of weight loss and where I was at that time.
It was so interesting when I found that piece of paper like years later to look back on because one of those "goals" was to fit into a jeans size 38/40 (I was wearing size 42 at that time). And I found that paper recently and I have since that not only reached that goal, but I am now wearing a size 36.
And I know this can sound like a stupid example but back in the day, when I made that "aspiration", I remember visualising myself in a pants size 38 and what my body will probably look like at that stage, as I wasn't happy with what I looked like at that time.
Back in 2015 when I started my fitness journey, all I ever did was just visualise myself whenever I could visualise myself in a smaller pair of pants (with smaller legs, butt and all, pretty much like a VS model...which of course I'll never be).
So I swear that this kind of things really works, same you could apply to anything like your goal to get your dream car or graduate college or university. Keep visualising yourself in that car or throwing that cap in the air at your graduation ceremony.
Those kind of things are really what push you forward and motivates you and even if it's something as silly or simple as wearing a smaller pair of pants than the ones you're wearing now.
Just keep visualising yourself in that situation and achieving that goal or having that thing that you really want.
#3 Change Your Attitude.
"Changing your attitude from a negative one to a positive one is going to help reach your goals".
Again, very cliché, but it works. I find that having a positive attitude towards just everything in general can help you move forward rather than backwards.
I know so many people who are affected by this every day (including myself from time to time of course) and are really negative.
You guys probably also know this kind of people, every time you talk to them they tell you something bad that happened or about their problems or all the things that are going wrong and I know it's easy to do that especially with close friends.
But, sometimes, it can be nice to have uplifting conversations and to dwell on the positive and be grateful for what you already have. Then, while there's nothing wrong with venting to your best friend or somebody close to you (that's not what I'm talking about), it's just that so many people that have that problem where they just tend to dwell on negativity and then things seem to always go wrong for them.
It's not that things are going wrong for them, it's that they are choosing to see it that way.
Keep in mind that, even though everybody doesn't have the same amount of opportunities/luck/misfortune in life, it's how you choose to react to certain things that happen to you/ how you choose to react to what goes right or wrong in your life that will determine what comes after.
Of course, some people have really unfortunate things happen to them, I myself had my lot about it but I just choose not to let it get to me and to let it affect me for the rest of my life.
#4 Take Baby Steps.
This is a more practical tip: make small changes and take small steps every single day.
So, say that your goal is to increase your fitness, the worst thing you can possibly do this January is to go on an hour long every single day or five times a week when before that, you were never training.
That is the worst thing you could possibly do. We all know this, on the back of our heads and the back of our minds that the best thing you could do is go for a ten or 15 minutes walk every day or maybe do a 7 or 15 minutes workout 3 times a week for a start and then increase progressively.
You can't take massive steps and expect to get there faster, that's not how it works.
Taking smaller steps will actually help you to get there quicker than taking bigger steps because you will build those habits gradually and then once you get there it will be the kind of thing that you stick with rather than something you just do for like 2 weeks and then forget about.
Making choices every single day that are going to benefit you tomorrow and that you're going to be proud of is what will get you closer to your goal.
Take each day at the time, don't stress too much about taking massive leaps especially when you've just started, that is never gonna work.
Chip away slowly over a longer course, that is what will help you reach your goal in a sustainable/concrete way.
Like my dad always says to me: "petit à petit, on devient moins petit".
#5 See your failures as Opportunities to learn from.
Instead of seeing your failures as a negative thing, see them as an experience you can learn from.
You can learn so much from a "failure". I used to beat myself up thinking "you should have done this instead of that" but it gets you nowhere.
When I think of all the things I've done perfectly, it wouldn't have led me to where I am today to change those experiences/ failures.
All those failures that you experience in life are actually getting you closer to your goal, provided you use them in a positive way.
If you use them in a negative way, you just use them as an excuse to beat yourself up, feel rubbish and explain why you're having problems.
But, if you choose to use them in a positive way, and to see in a way that "ok, it didn't go as plan but that doesn't mean I will never get there, I just need to find another way and improve upon myself" then you use them as teaching tools and opportunities every single time.
Like Tracy Hensel says "it's not about what you do on occasion that counts, it's about what you do most days".
So don't worry if you slip up, if you fail some days or make mistakes, it happens to the best of us, just get back up on your feet and try again (as long as you're not doing that every single day).
Make sure that what you're doing most days is be positive, take those small little steps that are getting you closer to your goal and you'll be fine :)
I hope that this tips helps you guys, I really want you all to crush your goals and get where you want to in 2019.
I wish you all to be happy and healthy.
I'll talk to you guys next time,