Monday Meal n°2

Hi Friends :)

Welcome back for a new Monday Meal!

This week, we are making an Avocado and Chocolate Mousse.

Don't be scared by the "Avocado", you will not taste it at the end of the preparation!

All you need for this is:
- a blender
- a banana
- an avocado
- 2 tea spoon of honey 
- dark chocolate powder
- 3 table spoon of water

Are you ready? Let's get started!

Ok so first, cut your banana into small pieces and put it in the blender

Cut your avocado, remove the core and add the green heart to the preparation

Add 2 tea spoon of honey and the equivalent of 2 table spoon of water

Last ingredient, add some chocolate powder. Don't be scared to add to much of it. It depends of your taste.

Blend it all :)

Put your mousse in a bowl and refrigerate for at least 10 minutes

Then, you can eat it like this or add some topping.
My favorite one is strawberry / cookie crumb
Here's what it looks like :)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "avocado and chocolate mousse"

I hope you guys liked this Monday Meal
If you did, make sure to comment here or on my facebook page
On this, I wish you guys a ncie week and I will see you next time :)

Be Proud of Who You Are!

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